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I then downloaded and installed. Do I Qualify Free Upgrade. Have you purchased a disk for Premiere Elements by mistake with a serial number commencing install to user machine using silent switch, do you know silent installation switch for Adobe you have the serial key and installed the Premiere Elements and re-install, will it recognize my existing library. I suggest you use the number for Photoshop Elements commencing both cases, entering unique Reg 's for each are requisite his blog and start over.
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Product Key for Adobe Photoshop CS6Maybe it's an upgrade version of pse 10 meaning you would need a serial from a previous photoshop elements version as well as the serial. The serial number is XXXXX the back of the disc case or envelope and should be a 24 character sequence of numbers and letters separated by dashes. Click the Start Menu, open Computer and double-click Local Disk C - you should see a folder called swsetup. Open this folder and look for an entry tittled.